
Posted in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Nursing on October 27, 2009 by ccrncraig

Does your facility have a culture of certification? We need to be positive and really push for certification.

Who’s your nursing idol?

Posted in Nursing with tags on October 17, 2009 by ccrncraig

Who’s your nursing idol? I admit my idol is a TV charactor. Dixie Mcall from Emergency. Always in control and nothing phased her.

Online Nursing Forums

Posted in Nursing with tags , on October 14, 2009 by ccrncraig

This post is a short rant.

I was on one of the online nursing forums, and someone posted “How do I become a flight nurse?”.  Now this is an example of people who sometimes present to be to dumb to be nurses.  But as I sat and thought about it, they probably are just lazy.  I have a thought and I’ll ask the question to everyone.  Not I have a thought, let me do some reasearch on this.  This is the same problem that new RN’s have when working on the floor and in nursing school.  Everyone wants a quick fix, and wants someone to tell them now what they want to know.

The thing that scares me is that these forums are given the weight of respected peer reviewed journals.  I so hope no one out there is basing their patient care on the information they find in these forums.

Hello world!

Posted in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine with tags , on October 12, 2009 by ccrncraig

Hello, well as first posts go, this is going to be pretty boring.  I’ve started working on collaboration with a couple of people who believe as I do.  They are busy Doc’s though, so we’ll see how it all works out.

I’m now a firm believer that the Emergency Nurses Association or ENA, doesn’t have a clue.  I don’t see them doing much to really advance nursing and emergency nursing.  The AACN, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses on the other had, seems to be more open, and focused on the science, the evidence, and giving nurses the tools they need to really make a difference in patient outcomes.  I tell nurses that they need to join both.

Which bring to to my next post.  I need to looks at my notes from a conversation I had with a fellow RN last night about what her plans for the future are.